

Georgetown University Summer Workshop

July 16 – 30, 2017

Improving Outcomes for Vulnerable Populations: How Can Innovation Expand Health, Education, and Economic Inclusion?



The Georgetown University Santander Partnership on Social Economy is accepting applications from students interested in participating in a two-week, multi-disciplinary workshop that will introduce the key trends affecting social and economic inclusion.  Students will learn from thought leaders representing diverse institutional perspectives, including academia, policymaking, non-profits, and private enterprise.  Within this framework, students will examine emerging technological, commercial, and policy innovations designed to increase access to economic, health, and education opportunities.


Two key themes of the seminar include:


1)The ways in which the “digital revolution” is changing the nature of opportunities for marginalized populations, and


2)The role of social enterprises in bridging gaps not covered by traditional public or private models. 


Students should expect an interactive and practical learning environment that draws on real-world applications of innovation in addition to classroom-based lectures.  Students will gain exposure to policy and practice by connecting to a network of researchers, practitioners, financiers, and policymakers.  Cultural activities will complement learning goals of the seminars and allow participants to explore Washington, D.C. 








1)the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae;


2)an essay  (in English) not to exceed 500 words, on the following topic:


In every society, there are challenges that relate to inclusion for marginalized groups.  They have limited access to opportunities related to health, education, and economic empowerment.  Describe an example of a challenge of limited social inclusion that you have observed, and discuss an idea that holds promise for addressing the challenge.


3)   One letter of recommendation from a university professor who has taught the
