2019年U21 HS暑期班通知


Universitas 21 Health Sciences Summer School 2019

College of Medical and Dental SciencesUniversity of Birmingham (Birmingham, UK) Will host the 2019 U21 Health Sciences Summer School on the topic ofAntimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Stewardship (AMS).The program will take place from Monday 22nd July to Friday 2nd August 2019.


  • Summer School will address one of the most important global issues affecting healthcare – namely Antimicrobial Resistance. It will take a multidisciplinary approach to teaching and learning, with collaborative learning groups working together throughout the meeting.

  • Up to 45 students can participate

  • Walking distance ( 5 minutes) between accommodation and lecture building

  • Saturday - will include an excursion included in the programme fee

  • Sunday - students will be free to explore Birmingham and the surrounding area on their own at their own cost

  • The period of the Summer School will be summer season in Birmingham. It is also the season for the summer sport of Cricket. A cricket game will be organized so that you get to know the rules of this quintessentially English summer game.

  • On the weekend of Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th July 2019 there will be a social programme of events for students to participate in.


  • Students from dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, midwifery, nutrition, medicine, public health, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, audiology, optometry.

  • Students from U21 Health Sciences Group member universities

  • Students who have at least completed their first year of undergraduate study.


  • Cost of Programme: $800 USD per student participant which includes: accommodation, transport for excursions, catering (breakfast, lunch during weekdays, morning and afternoon tea during weekdays, and some dinners), cultural activities, registration, certification and materials.

  • Student participants are responsible for costs for lunch during the weekend, some dinners and other costs including airfare to and from Birmingham, ground transport to and from the airport, visas, insurance and any other associated costs. (The College of Medical and Dental Sciences will assist with Visa applications)

Deadline for application.

Feb. 28, 2019

项目详情请看附件及U21 HSG网站http://u21health.org/2019-summer-school/ 。外事处会根据项目参与情况,酌情给予资助。报名需提交项目报名表、英文简历和英文成绩单。如报名数超过5个,外事处会根据GPA和英语能力进行筛选。








UoB Summer School application package for students_FINAL.docx  
