

Summary of call

   Fudan University (Fudan) and the Office of the Vice-Provost (Research, lnnovation, Global Engagement) at University College London (UCL) are contributing matching funds to support collaborative education and research initiatives through a joint call for proposals for the development of collaborative activities. 

   This call invites proposals for partnership development activity in areas of mutual interest and complementary strengths that will strengthen the partnership between Fudan and UCL.

   Proposals should be co-led by a Lead Applicant at each institution and can involve a wider team of participants from eachinstitution, as appropriate to the activities proposed. Proposals from all fields are welcome but we particularly encourage projects in the areas aimed at addressing and mitigating challenges relating to: Carbon neutrality (e.g. Climate Change. Sustainable Construction, Clean Waste), Health and Wellbeing (e.g. informatics/Data-driven Brian Sciences, Global/Public Health) and Proposals relating to one or more of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

   Applications must demonstrate how the proposed activity will provide a platform for longer-term, larger-scale collaboration between Fudan and UCL in the relevant feld, for example, by providing a basis for ongoing joint research and education activity and /or applications to external bodies for research qrant funding.

   Up to 3 joint projects will be selected for funding. Proposals wll be assessed by a commitee composed of members from both Fudan and UCL. Up to 20,000GBP is available per successful proposal. Funding will be provided jointly by Fudan and UCL, with approximately 100,000RMB from Fudan going to the lead Fudan academics and 10,000 GBP from UCL going to the UCL academics. However, only one proposal should be submitted through UCL lead applicants on <https://form.jotform.com/241333746664359>.

   Before submitting your application, please read the full funding guidance below:

Final_UCL_Fudan_Partner Funds Guidance.docx

   If you have any questions about the online process, please contact Keiko Tsunekawa, Global Engagement Manager at UCL<k.tsunekawa@ucl.ac.uk> or Fudan University's Contact Ying Wang,Head of International Exchange Division:<wang ying@fudan.edu.cn>

How to apply:

1) UCL lead applicants can apply on behalf of their project team with Fudan applicants via the application portal <https://form.jotform.com/241333746664359>. A completed applicaion form should be submitted as below:

Final_UCL_Fudan_Partner Funds Application Form.docx

2) A brief summary of the principal participants (from Fudan and UCL) and some summary project details are also required.

Key dates

Deadline for application: Friday 21 June 2024

Decisions communicated to applicants on or before: Friday 26 July 2024



