E-Journal (May, 2006)





Int’l AIDS Opportunity Infection Symposium Concluded

Doctoral Student Forum on Film Literature

Fudan Attended the 4th Sino-Japanese University President Forum

Fudan University held the second Women Faculty and Staff Congress

The 3rd University Board of Trustees Meeting Concluded

5th Faculty and Staff Representative Meeting and 16th Labor Union Representative Meeting Concluded



Fudan-ICSEAD Center for Development Research Launched

Int’l Museum Day at Fudan

Five Fudan Students Won the Liu Jun Mathematics Award

Chinese Shadow Puppet Play on Learning Journey

Four Books by Fudan Publishing House Rewarded Shanghai Publication Award

Scholarship for “Stars of Tomorrow" Available

Fudan College ’s 1st Girl Student Festival Concluded

Free Cataract Surgery for Underprivileged Elders

Nordic Centre Launched Ibsen Week and Norway Day



Opening Ceremony for Fudan Film Institute

Prof. Gui Yonghao and Dr. Xu Zheng Appointed Fudan Vice Presidents



Visit by Delegation from Utrecht University

Visit by British Minister of State For Lifelong-learning, Further and Higher Education

Mr. Li Lanqing Visited Shanghai Institute of Visual Art of Fudan University

MOU with Georgetown University

Rector of Munich University Visited Fudan




Int’l AIDS Opportunity Infection Symposium Concluded


International AIDS Opportunity Infection Symposium was held on May 11 at Shanghai Public Health Center. The Symposium lasted four days and was jointly organized by Shanghai Public Health Center and American AIDS Care Foundation.


Aiming at further strengthening the cooperation and exchanges between foreign and domestic experts in the field of AIDS and AIDS opportunity infection, the Symposium explored new measures of curing AIDS. Ideas and opinions on related social issues caused by AIDS and research results were shared at the symposium.


Nearly 300 AIDS Experts and Infectious disease experts from the States and China attended the meeting and 40 experts delivered speeches. Mr. Zhang Yong, Director of Shanghai Public Health Center presided over the opening ceremony.




Doctoral Student Forum on Film Literature


Fudan Doctoral Student Forum on Film Literature was held on May 20 and 21. This year the forum theme was Interaction between Film and Literature , and covers topics from film literature, film production, and relations between film and culture. Consisting with four panels, the Forum received 40 papers from both Fudan and other universities, among which 10 papers were presented.




Fudan Attended the 4th Sino-Japanese University President Forum

The Fourth Sino-Japanese University President Forum was held on May 10, hosted by Xi’an Jiao Tong University. Sponsored by Ministries of Education of both the People’s Republic of China and Japan , presidents from 16 Chinese universities and 15 Japanese universities attended the Forum and discussed cooperation and exchange prospect and approaches in the 21st century. Chinese Vice Minister of Education and Referendary of Japanese Ministry of Education and Science delivered keynote speeches on the Forum, and Governor of Shanxi Province, Mr. Chen Deming, also attended the forum.


The attending presidents held thought provoking discussions on how to strengthen the bilateral cooperation between Chinese and Japanese universities. President Wang offered a review on Fudan’s experience of collaborating with Japanese corporations and proposed new initiatives for further exchanges between universities of the two countries.




Fudan University Held the Second Women Faculty and Staff Congress

On May 27, Fudan University held its second Women Faculty and Staff Congress. Fudan Chancellor Prof. Qin Shaode addressed the audience. Ms Meng Yankun, Chair of Shanghai Municipal Women’s Association, representatives from University leadership, Shanghai Municipal Committee on Science, Education and Women, District Women’s Association, Gender Committees of several universities in Shanghai as well as 300 delegates from Fudan attended the Congress.


A new generation of commissioners for the University Women’s Committee was elected, with Huang Lihua as Director, Qiu Xiaolu, Zheng Shan, Yin Lianhua and Mei Yan’ai as Vice Directors.




The 3rd University Board of Trustees Meeting Concluded


On the occasion of Fudan University ’s 101 anniversary of founding, the third University Board of Trustees held its fourth meeting on 27 May. Fudan Vice Chancellor Yan Shuang reported on The Centennial of Fudan and recent development while President Wang gave a presentation on The 11th Five-Year Plan of Fudan University , which triggered quite heated discussions among the board members.


The University Board of Trustees serves a term of four years, and holds annual meeting on campus. This was the last meeting of the present University Board of Trustees.




5th Faculty and Staff Representative Meeting and 16th Labor Union Representative Meeting Concluded


On the morning of May 26, the University’s 1st Session of the 5th Faculty and Staff Representative Meeting was opened grandly in Xianghui Auditorium. Chancellor Qin Shaode and President Wang Shenghong attended the meeting. In addition, Vice Chancellor, Chairman of Labor Union Peng Yuwen, Executive Vice Presidents Zhang Yihua and Wang Weiping , Chairman of Shanghai Municipal Science and Education Labor Union Xia Lingying, Vice Chancellor Yan Shuang, and Vice Chancellor Chen Limin, Secretary of the Disciplinary Supervision Committee Liu Jianzhong, Vice Presidents Cai Dafeng and Chen Xiaoman and Executive Chairman of Shanghai Municipal Medical Labor Union Zhou Chongli were present. Also attending were Chair members of this Session of the 5th Meeting that extended two days. Nearly 900 people participated in this Session.


Before the Ceremony, a Preparatory Meeting was held, where the Session preparation report and representative qualification examination report were discussed and passed. Meanwhile, the way of vote, name list of chair members and the Session agenda were decided.


In the Opening Ceremony anchored by Peng Yuwen, messages of congratulations from sister universities were read by the Session Secretariat. Liu Jianzhong made the opening speech. Then Xia Lingying and Zhou Chongli made speeches on behalf of the labor unions of their own fields respectively and expressed congratulations on our three representative meetings. Vice Chair of Tongji University Labor Union Yang Rongtang made a speech on behalf of labor unions of sister universities.


After the Ceremony, President Wang Shenghong made a report on setting up the outline of Fudan’s “11th Five-Year Plan.






Fudan-ICSEAD Center for Development Research Launched


Fudan-ICSEAD Center for Development Research was established on May 26, as a gift to the eve of Fudan 101 anniversary. Aiming at promoting Sino-Japanese academic and cultural communication, the Centre will hose activities to enhance mutual understandings between the two nations.


On the ceremony, Fudan Vice Chancellor Dr. Yan Shuang remarked that Fudan enjoyed a long history of international exchanges and had benefited hugely from the abundant fruits with Japanese academic communication. He wished that the academic exchange would be free from Sino-Japanese political influence and the Center would become one of the best research institutes at Fudan.


Prof. Shoichi Yamashita, Director of The International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development (ICSEAD) unveiled the plaque for the Center together with Vice Chancellor Yan Shuang. The Center is designed to be affiliating to Fudan School of Social Development and Public Policy.




Int’l Museum Day at Fudan


To embrace 5.18 International Museum Day, Fudan Yu Youren Calligraphy Museum hosted a series of activities from 9am to 8pm , May 17 to 19, attracting hundreds of visitors. The theme for this year is "Museum and Youth".


Yu Youren Calligraphy Museum was built last year on the occasion of Fudan’s 100 anniversary of founding. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao wrote an inscription for the exhibition. In the 500 m2 exhibition hall, 57 calligraphy exhibits were presented to commemorate Dr. Yu Youren, one of the seven founding fathers of Fudan University . Besides, Dr. Yu was also a most influential calligrapher in modern Chinese history, known for successful and stylish integration of brush calligraphy with stone inscription calligraphy.


Except for the calligraphy, another popular exhibition was that of Gaoshan Nationality Folk Cultural Relics from Taiwan , with a total of 439 Gaoshan relics that topped in all domestic museums.


Another on campus museum, University History Museum established in 2005, that had received over 20,000 guests joined the Int’l Museum Day as well. Many a visitor attended tours guided by student volunteers.




Five Fudan Students Won the Liu Jun Mathematics Award


On May 18, 2006 , School of Mathematics hosted the conferment ceremony of the First Liu Jun Mathematics Award. The Award was founded by Fudan alumnus Liu Jun, Class 1983. He devoted most of his assets to fund this award in order to encourage talents in mathematics.


Five students at School of Mathematics won the first award. Vice President Prof. Cai Dafeng, Academician Prof. Li Daqian and Prof. Hong Jiaxing, Prof. Peng Shige as well as relatives and friends of Liu Jun attended the ceremony. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) presented sent a letter of congratulations.


Dr. Liu Jun received his Ph.D. degree in France and continued his post-doctoral research in Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA). In 1992, he was employed by CNRS and deceased, to the sorrow of his family and friends, in Paris in 2004.




Chinese Shadow Puppet Play on Learning Journey


In the evening of May 11, a Chinese Shadow Play won impassioned applause from Fudan students on the volleyball court of southern campus. This performance was one of the activities for the Learning Journey organized by Student Village Committee and Fudan Learning Society together with Shanghai Changning Folk Cultural Center .


Chinese Shadow, which can also be called "Chinese Shadow Play or Chinese Shadow Puppet play", is one of the most ancient genre of drama in China . It came into being in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) and has more than two thousand years’ history.


Popular among the people of China , Chinese Shadow is a dramatic form which uses lantern to project on the screen the shadows of the puppet. The artistic effect of the play is produced through light, screen, music, singing, and puppet operation. The shadow play is widely regarded as “a magic, lightning-like art" and has won high praise in many countries.


The puppets in the shadow play are made of transparent and dyed leather. Chinese shadow artists first carve out the lines of the design and then dye them in bright colors. These transparent leather puppets become very lively and beautiful under the lantern light. With strong local characteristics, the shadow puppets are folk handiworks and a product of wisdom of Chinese shadow play artists through ages. The exquisite shadow puppets can not only be used for plays but also be a good choice for house ornament. Many state art museums and Chinese Shadow fans collect delicate and fun Chinese shadow Puppets.




Four Books by Fudan Publishing House Rewarded Shanghai Publication Award


Biennial "The Best Book in Shanghai " was announced recently. Six books produced by Fudan Publishing House were nominated and four of them won the award of “The Best Book in Shanghai ”. Collection of Best Lectures by Renowned Scholars , and China’s Economy History were awarded First Prize, while General History of Literature in Shanghai and Translations of Western Mathematics Theory and Culture won the Second Prize. The other two books nominated were: Biotechnology of Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal and The Business World in Chinese Literature .


Originated in 1984, The Best Book in Shanghai most appreciates the cultural, academic and publishing values as well as characteristics and quality of the books.




Scholarship for “Stars of Tomorrow" Available


A new scholarship scheme was launched to the joy of the coming freshmen this year. “Scholarship for Stars of Tomorrow” is available for underprivileged students registered as freshmen. A fund for four year’s bachelor program can secure the students’ living costs. Some 300 freshmen will be granted the scholarship and are expected to become “stars of tomorrow”.


The application and grant date for this new scholarship is three months earlier than other scholarships and thus better ensure the financial situation of those needed.




Fudan College’s 1st Girl Student Festival Concluded


On May 14, 2006 , Xide Building Open House Day and the Closing Ceremony of the 1st Girl Student Festival of Fudan College were held. During one month’s Festival, a series of activities including Lady Pioneer Saloon, Cultural Design and Ornamentation for Xide Building , Flower Arranging Day, and Cooking Pals in Xide Garden of Grace. Male students were encouraged to participate in all activities so as to promote gender equality on campus.


Since the Open House Day coincided with Mother Day of the year, students delivered hand-made gifts to their moms in Xide Grace Garden envelop.


Xide Garden of Grace was designed to promote the heritage of late Fudan President Xie Xide, the only lady president in Fudan’s history, her confidence, elegance and integrity.




Free Cataract Surgery for Underprivileged Elders


In honor of World Red Cross Day 2006, Shanghai Red Cross Association and the EENT Hospital Affiliating to Fudan University jointly presented a special gift for the underprivileged elders in Shanghai—free cataract surgery.


In order to upgrade the life quality of those suffering from cataract, Shanghai Red Cross Association allocated 270,000 RMB charity fund for free cataract surgery for sixty patients in Shanghai . As one of the Red Cross hospitals, Shanghai EENT Hospital offered a team of experienced medical surgery staff. The program turned out highly successful and all sixty elderly patients finally welcomed their days with light again.




Nordic Centre Launched Ibsen Week and Norway Day


The Nordic Centre at Fudan University dedicated a whole week from May 23 to commemorate the 100 anniversary of Norwegian Playwright Henrik Ibsen’s decease. A serial of activities including open lectures by renowned Norwegian guest lecturers, student stage performances A Doll’s House and Peer Gynt , displays of traditional Norwegian culture were offered together with the Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai and the Fudan University School of Foreign Languages and Literature.


As the first highlight of the Week, the Norway Day hosted by BI Norwegian School of Management students now studying on Fudan campus gave the attendees a little taste of everything, from the host fully dressed up with Norwegian folk wear, to a Ibsen-like scholar specialized in Ibsen studies, from a five-minute dialogue from the play Peer Gynt , to free snack with Norwegian salmon and liquor.






Opening Ceremony for Fudan Film Institute


On May 17, University President Wang Shenghong inaugurated Fudan Film Institute. Renowned Chinese film director Prof. Wu Yigong, Vice Chair of Chinese Association of Literacy and Art Circles, and Chair of Chinese Film Association, was appointed Concurrent Professor and Advisor of Fudan Film Institute.


Over the years, Fudan has been promoting liberal education, aiming at providing varied and high-quality education in humanities and arts. The establishment of Fudan Film Institute is expected not only to fuel the film art studies but also inspire student in general.




Prof. Gui Yonghao and Dr. Xu Zheng Appointed Fudan Vice Presidents


The Ministry of Education appointed Dr. Gui Yonghao and Dr. Xu Zheng as two new Fudan Vice Presidents this May.


Prof. Gui Yonghao is a Professor of pediatrics, Chief Physician and Doctoral Advisor. Graduated from Shanghai Medical University in 1982, Prof. Gui received his MD in clinic epidemiology in 1999. Prof. Gui has been engaged in medical research and teaching in Shanghai Children’s Hospital, now one of the ten affiliating hospitals of Fudan, for long. He was a senior visiting scholar at University of Pennsylvania affiliated Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia from 1991 to 1995. He was senior visiting scholar at Japan ’s Osaka University and the Heart Center of Berlin respectively. He attended Hospital Management Program hosted by Middle European Business School in 2004. Currently he serves as Dean of Children’s Hospital and Director of Key Laboratory for Newborn Diseases under the Ministry of Health, among the others. He is also editor or associate editor of several pediatric journals and has been leading a number of key research projects including those of NSF. In recent years, he has published over 40 papers in both domestic and overseas journals including Pediatric Research and International Development Biology. He was awarded the title of “Excellent Individual Performance in National Healthy System” in 2004, among many others. As Fudan Vice President, Prof. Gui will be responsible for Campus information technology network and university companies and technology transfer.


Dr. Xu Zheng holds Ph.D. for International Relations with Fudan University and was Director of President’s Office before appointed Vice President. She once served as Vice Secretary-General of Fudan College of Foreign Languages and Literature, and Secretary-General of Fudan Youth League. She was a visiting scholar at Yale University and Macquarie University , Australia . She was responsible for many a major university event including Shanghai Forum and Fudan Centennial. With many academic publications and excellent performance, Dr. Xu was awarded honors including “New Long March Pioneer” by Shanghai Municipality , “President Award” by Fudan, and among the others. Dr. Xu is also winner of “Scholar Ship Fellowship” of Pittsburgh University , USA .






Visit by Delegation from Utrecht University


On May 11, delegation from Utrecht University of Holland led by Rector Willem Hendrik Gispen visited Fudan and met with Fudan President Professor Wang Shenghong. The aim of the visit was to initiate new relations in the field of education, research in particular, and to renew and strengthen the ties that have been established since the previous visit of Utrecht University headed by its former president, Prof. Jan Valdhuis in 2002.

Professor Yang Pengyuan, Head of the Chemistry Department, Professor Wang Jianwei from Fudan Centre for Dutch Studies, Professor Chu Xiaoquan from College of Foreign Languages and Literature, and Professor Fan Lizhu from School of Social Development and Public Administration attended the meeting and had inspiring discussions with professors from Utrecht University in respective fields.




Visit by British Minister of State For Lifelong-learning, Further and Higher Education


On May 10, a British Education Delegation led by Mr. William Ernest Rammell, Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education, MP, visited Fudan and met with Professor Wang Weiping , Executive Vice President of the university. The delegation members included British government officials and presidents of renowned British universities.

After the meeting with VP Wang and some of Fudan professors including Prof. Peng Xizhe, Dean of School of Social Development and Public Administration, and Prof. Chen Zhiming, Vice Dean of School of International Relations and Public Affairs, the delegation visited Fudan history museum with student volunteers.




Mr. Li Lanqing Visited Shanghai Institute of Visual Art of Fudan University


On May 19, Mr. Li Lanqing, Fudan alumnus and former Standing Committee Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, former Vice Premier of the State Council, visited Shanghai Institute of Visual Art of Fudan University, accompanied by Director of Shanghai Municipal Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Honorary Dean of Shanghai Institute of Visual Art Mr. Gong Xueping, Associate Secretary of Shanghai Municipal Committee Ms. Yin Yicui, and Fudan Chancellor Prof. Qin Shaode.

Mr. Li Lanqing audited sketching and earthenware art classes, and visited some special exhibitions like pearl exhibition, travel gifts and garment design, as well as students’ design exhibition. He wrote a calligraphy piece that read “To Realize the Dreams” to the Institute.


Founded in May 2005, Shanghai Institute of Visual Art is located in Songjiang University Town , Shanghai . It is an independent institute and a cooperation project among Shanghai Media Group, venture capital corporations, and Fudan University .




MOU with Georgetown University


On May 11, Georgetown University Delegation headed by President John J. DeGioia visited Fudan. President Wang Shenghong received them together with Deans and professors from Schools of International Relations and Public Affairs, School of Public Health , School of Economics and School of Management . Professors from both universities broke down into working groups for discussions before two presidents signed MOU for cooperation.


Prior to this first official visit to Fudan, Georgetown University has enjoyed relations with Fudan at school level, the best known of which is the joint Summer Workshops on Public Policy and Public Administration since 2005 with School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA) at Fudan University. It is expected that cooperation could be extended university-wide under the framework of a general MOU.


The purpose of the visit this time was to establish a relationship with Fudan at university level according to successful cooperation in the past. Particularly, both universities intended to extend their cooperation to other schools or departments under the direction of a general agreement.




Rector of Munich University Visited Fudan


On May 24, Professor Bernd Huber, Rector of Munich University of Germany, visited Fudan and met with Fudan President Wang Shenghong who introduced the internationalization of Fudan. President Huber said he marveled at the rapid development of Shanghai on this very first trip to China . He believed that that Fudan Unversity, just like China ’s economy, had unmeasured potential. President Huber also expressed his wish to further strengthen the communication and collaboration with Fudan in future.



