Safety Issues & Churches



◆ Personal Safety
For a city of 16 million people, Shanghai is a generally safe place to live and study. Violent crimes are rarely known, and the government cracks down hard on them whenever they occur. Crime against foreigners is treated more harshly than crimes against Chinese so there is special level of protection granted to foreigners. Most neighborhoods in Shanghai are safe, so it is fairly common for women to walk alone on the street at night. We have not heard of any place or neighborhood to stay away from at nighttime, but exercise caution and common sense in the wee-hours of the morning. The only personal safety problem one is likely to run into is the pickpockets. They are usually found in major tourist sites, although some people have had their wallet\purse stolen in crowded places like buses. The best precaution is to be alert and keep your money and valuables well hidden.
◆ Road Safety
There are certain basic risk and security issues to which each of you need to pay attention as you settle into life in Shanghai. This handout is designed for you to read yourself, but we will also cover these issues in a bit more depth in one session during Orientation.
Traffic accidents are a leading cause of death among travelers to developing countries. They are at a risk not only because they are in an unfamiliar environment with unfamiliar and unrecognizable hazards but also because driving culture varies from country to country. Shanghai is no exception. Students are advised to exercise caution when walking because the traffic in the city can be chaotic and unpredictable. Crossing the street can be particularly hazardous. Unlike most Western cities there are a large number of bicycles that use the inside land and pedestrians need to be careful to check for all modes of transport before they step onto the road. Once you have started to cross a road do not hesitate or make erratic movements. Shanghai traffic is very good at getting out of your way if you follow these simple instructions.
If you are involved in a traffic accident you will be expected to stay at the scene until a traffic policeman arrives to facilitate transport of the injured party to hospital.

REMEMBER: Do not trust strangers easily in the street. Do not show off your cash.




You may want to go to church while you are in Shanghai. There are a lot more than the few listed here, of course. All major religions have services available in Shanghai. These are just a couple of recommendations for places to worship.
International Church: Protestant 国际礼拜堂 (Community Church)
Address: 53 Hengshan Rd, Xu Hui District. (徐汇区衡山路53号)
Tel: 021-6471-7952
Sunday services, at 7:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. and 19:00
Kunshan Protestant Church 昆山景灵堂
Address: 135 Kun Shan Rd. (昆山路135 号)
Tel: 021-6364-2629
Sunday services at 7:30a.m. and 9:30 a.m. There is also regular evening services.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 耶稣基督末世圣徒教会 (Mormons)
Address: Flat 12C, Block, Longbai apartments, 2461 Hong Qiao Rd. (虹桥路2461号)
Meets every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Church of Christ the King 天主教堂 (Catholic Church)
Address: 361 Julu Lu. (巨鹿路361号)
Tel: 021-6217-4608
Services on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:30 a.m. in English.
Xujiahui Cathedral (St, Ignatius Cathedral) 徐家汇天主教堂
Address: 201 Caoxi Bei Rd. (漕溪北路201号)
Daily services 5:30, 6:15 and 7:00 a.m. Sundays there are 5 services beginning at 4:45 a.m.
Until 9:30 a.m.
Mu’en (Baptized with Mercy) Church 沐恩堂
Address: Methodist, 316 Xizang Rd. (M.), by Jiujiang Rd. (西藏中路316号,西藏中路九江路口)
Tel: 021-6322-5069
Xiao Tao Yuan Mosque 小桃源清真寺
Address: 52 Xiao Tao Yuan Rd. (小桃源路52号)
Tel: 021-6377-5442
Services are at the traditional Times of day for Muslims.
Ohel Moshe Synagogue 上海摩西会堂 (Jewish Church)
Address: 62 Chang Yang Rd., Hong Kou District (虹口区长阳路62号)
Tel: 021-6541-5008/ 3511-0215

Fax: 021-6512-0229

