作为APRU的成员学校,复旦大学将选派两名本科生参加以下夏令营,并为每人提供人民币叁仟元奖学金。其他一切费用由学生本人承担。具体内容请参看以下信息和附件。有意申请的同学请将《复旦大学因公出国或赴港澳个人申请表》 于2010年4月8日前交至外事处学生科。现正在就读本科最后一年的学生不得报名参加(直研生出外)。
Preliminary Program_Schedule (Official).pdf
Dear APRU colleagues,
Following my earlier announcement on the 5th APRU Undergraduate Summer Program on December 22, 2009, I am pleased to attach the preliminary program for your reference. More information on the program is available at: http://www.nus.edu.sg/iro/apru/.
As with last year's Undergraduate Summer Program (USP), the 5th APRU USP targets undergraduate students who hold leadership positions in their home universities and who would like to engage other student leaders from the Pacific Rim; students who are interested in exploring how student leadership can impact global issues and effect change; and students who want to be change agents to pressing global issues. Interested participants from any discipline are welcome.
Seminars, forums and talks by speakers will be conducted in English and cover topics such as effective governance, environmental sustainability, social entrepreneurship, leadership and cross-cultural communication, business, and student leadership. Participants will hear from professors and industry experts from Singapore and have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with different groups such as student communities, grassroots activists, business leaders and governmental agencies. The program will also feature a variety of activities conducted outside the classroom to engage student leaders in student leadership service projects. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to explore Singapore as an Asian city-state with field trips to places of interest such as Singapore's Chinatown, Little India and Arab Street precincts, the National Museum of Singapore and the Night Safari.
Each APRU member university may nominate up to two undergraduates for the program. Arrangements for accommodation on the campus from July 4-17, 2010 will be made by NUS. A registration fee of US$250 is applicable and this covers accommodation for the duration of the program, transportation to and from events, program materials, welcome and farewell dinners, social activities and field trips.