





The 10th APRU Doctoral Students Conference (DSC) will be hosted by Kyoto University, Japan, from July 6 to 10, 2009.

The main theme for this year’s conference is "Promoting Originality and Diversity in Research".

The 10th APRU DSC invites outstanding PhD students from the Pacific Rim to share their specific academic experiences and contribute to joint efforts to advance research in the Pacific Rim. Past conferences have brought together doctoral students of multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural backgrounds to widen their research perspectives.  The 10th DSC aims to further doctoral student research, develop intellectual curiosity and enhance minds t hrough sharing and exchange of experiences amongst doctoral students of diverse cultures.

Conference Program and Logistics

Held at Kyoto University, the conference will include paper sessions and a special workshop comprising keynote speeches, group discussions (based on the conference theme and keynotes) and presentations.  Further details can be found in the attached Call for Papers document and the 10th DSC website at http://www.opir.kyoto-u.ac.jp/apru_dsc/index.html.   

Doctoral student participants will be provided with free accommodation for five nights (July 5 - 9, 2009).  For accommodation extension, further details will be updated on the 10th DSC website.  No conference registration fees are charged.

Submission of Abstracts

Submission of abstracts should be done via the online registration system at the 10th DSC website at https://www.opir.kyoto-u.ac.jp/apru_dsc/abstract/form.php.  Details for the submission of abstracts can be found in the attached Call for Papers or accessed via the website at http://www.opir.kyoto-u.ac.jp/apru_dsc/callfor.html.

Please note the key dates for the conference as follows:

February 16, 2009: Deadline for the online submission of abstracts (not exceeding 250 words)

Mid-April, 2009: Notification of acceptance of abstracts

May 1, 2009: Deadline for online registration

June 1, 2009: Deadline for the submission of full papers

July 6 - 10, 2009: 10th Doctoral Student Conference at Kyoto University

More information on program details, lodging and other logistics will be progressively made available on the conference website.

call for papers.doc
