AEARU Advanced Materials Science Workshop



AEARU Advanced Materials Science Workshop



Dear Members of AEARU:

It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of POSTECH, Nanjing University and Tohoku University, to announce that the 3rd AEARU Advanced Materials Science Workshop will be held at POSTECH’s POSCO International Center, Korea on Nov. 11 – 13, 2009.

The workshop will provide a valuable opportunity for scholars in advanced materials science and related fields to exchange information and network. The topics of the workshop will include the following:
1)           Innovative materials for nano-photonics
2)           Self-assembled materials for green applications
3)           Novel photonic materials and devices
Please find the official announcement and registration form attached to this announcement. Please note that the deadline for abstracts is October 1, 2009.

Please see the announcement for full details of the workshop, and details of how to submit abstracts.


3rd AEARU Advanced Materials Science Workshop_final.doc

3rd AEARU Advanced Materials Science WS_registration form.doc
