U21 Newsletter 201110


Welcome to the October ebulletin with the latest news and items of interest to staff and students across the Universitas 21 network!


(scroll down to read the full story)


U21 launches photography competition

Tecnológico de Monterrey welcomes new President

THE rankings shows U21 universities well-placed

Global Issues Programme increases web presence

Leading U21 Researcher awarded Marshall Award

Upcoming events around the network


U21 launches photography competition


Universitas 21 has just launched a photography competition to find the best photos to represent “The International Campus”.  The competition is open to anyone at a U21 university (student, staff or faculty), the only stipulation being that the photo must be taken on a U21 campus and any people in the photos should (ideally) be members of a U21 university.  To enter the competition, entrants must send a high resolution photo to u21@contacts.bham.ac.uk with their name, email address and a description of where the photo was taken.  There are three prizes - first prize is US$400, with two runners up prizes of US$200 each, all paid in the local currency of the winners.  The winning photos, along with some of those which came close, will be displayed at the U21 Annual Presidents' Meeting in Lund in 2012.  The competition closes at midnight (local time) on Wednesday 30 November and the winners will be announced the following week.  Details and small print are available at www.universitas21.com/link/photocomp



Tecnológico de Monterrey welcomes new President


Tecnológico de Monterrey is pleased to announce the appointment of Salvador Alva Gomez as the new President of the whole “Sistema Tecnológico de Monterrey” which includes the university, the virtual university, Tec Milenio and Tec Salud.  He took office at the beginning of October and takes over from Professor Rafael Rangel Sostman who had presided over the system for over 25 years.  We look forward to working with him over the coming years.






THE rankings shows U21 universities well-placed


The Times Higher Education world university rankings have just been announced, placing 19 of U21’s 23 members among the top 400 universities in the world.  This comes after equally impressive results in the QS and SJTU world rankings and the announcement last month that both our American members, the University of Virginia and the University of Connecticut were named among the top 20 public US universities.  This surely is testament in itself to the quality and comprehensive nature of the U21 network and its members!




Global Issues Programme increases web presence

The U21 Global Issues Programme, a multi-disciplinary programme completed half on campus and half online at at least two different U21 universities (whether in person or virtually) has extended its web presence by setting up a Facebook page and Twitter account.  Anyone connected with the GIP is welcome to join the Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/U21GIP



Leading U21 Researcher awarded Marshall Award


Professor Bob Webb, a leading figure in U21’s Research Leaders group, has been awarded the prestigious Marshall Award from the Council of the Society for Reproduction and Fertility for his work on large animal species that has major implications for humans.  We send Professor Webb our warm congratulations.



Upcoming events around the network

With students returning from summer (or winter!) breaks, there are now a number of Universitas 21 events for the faculty and staff around the network approaching.  Next week sees the International Directors meeting in Singapore directly before the U21 Managers meet at their second face-to-face meeting of the year, where they will consolidate the work done since the AGM and plan for the next six months of activity.  The Teaching and Learning Network Conference takes place at the start of November and that month finishes with a workshop on Water Reuse.  Finally, as the Christmas break approaches, the second Early Career Workshop takes place in early December on the theme of Health Living, followed by the Deans and Directors of Graduate Studies a few weeks later.  So there’s a lot going on around the network – why not get involved?!


