U21 Newsletter 201204


Welcome to the April ebulletin with the latest news and items of interest to staff and students across the Universitas 21 network. 



(scroll down to read the full story)


Dr Allan Goodman to receive inaugural U21 Gilbert Medal

Dr Karen Gardner & Professor Göte Hansson announced as U21 Award winners

First Doctoral Research Conference in Business takes place this month

Edinburgh shares Research Data Management Training

Forum for International Networking in Education (FINE) events this month

U21 Summer School registration deadline extended

Two opportunities to discuss lifelong learning

Teaching & Learning Conference programme confirmed

Latest U21 Newsletter now online



Dr Allan Goodman to be inaugural U21 Gilbert Medal recipient


Dr Allan Goodman, President and CEO of the Institute of International Education has been awarded the inaugural Gilbert Medal for Internationalisation by Universitas 21. The medal is named in honour of the late Professor Alan Gilbert, the founder of Universitas 21 who died in 2010, and upholds his vision as a lifelong proponent of the benefits of internationalisation and celebrates some of the core objectives of the U21 network.


Dr Goodman’s numerous accomplishments at the IIE have directly fostered and encouraged the internationalisation of higher education. He is a well-known and highly respected figure within higher education and beyond, and is a worthy recipient of the first Gilbert Medal, setting a high standard for future nominees. Speaking on the announcement of the award, Dr Goodman said “The Gilbert Medal is a wonderful way to honour the memory of an individual who did so much for international higher education. Professor Gilbert had an inspired vision about what universities everywhere should do and how they could best serve others. I am deeply honoured to be selected for this inaugural award in his name. On behalf of all my colleagues at the Institute of International Education, I would like to thank the members of Universitas 21 for this recognition and for joining us in working to make the vision of internationalisation become a reality for students and campuses across the globe.


Dr Goodman will be presented with the Gilbert Medal on 10 May at Lund University.


Read the full story on our website – www.universitas21.com/link/gilbertmedal2012



Dr Karen Gardner & Professor Göte Hansson announced as U21 Award winners


Universitas 21 has announced the first recipients of the U21 Award for Internationalisation, recognising individual efforts which further internationalisation and build relations between U21 members. From a shortlist of 14 nominees from across the network, Dr Karen Gardner from the University of British Columbia, Canada and Professor Göte Hansson of Lund University, Sweden, were unanimously voted to be the two most outstanding candidates. 


Dr Gardner’s award is primarily for her work in the development of the diastemas.net website, an online facility to enable dental students to engage in international dialogue using it to present and justify their clinical case management, while Professor Hansson’s award is for his involvement in international trade issues and particularly his work with Trapca (the Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa) in Tanzania. Sadly Professor Hansson died unexpectedly at the start of the year, but his widow will join Dr Gardner in collecting the awards at a ceremony on 10 May at Lund University.


Read the full story at www.universitas21.com/link/u21award2012



First Doctoral Research Conference in Business takes place this month


The first U21 Doctoral Research Conference in Business takes place at the University of Connecticut this month, bringing together doctoral students from across the network to discuss and exchange ideas and start to build a global learning and research platform to prepare the next generation of intellectual leaders in the fields of business, commerce and economics. The conference will also provide networking opportunities with representatives of member institutions as well as University of Connecticut faculty. Panel sessions are planned to help students further their theses, submit their work for publication, and succeed in a challenging global academic market. Additionally, this conference will provide an opportunity for participants to meet and share interests and to stimulate future collaborations on a global scale across a number of key topics such as entrepreneurship and innovation, global technology, and economic systems.


A report from the event will appear on the U21 website next month.



Edinburgh shares Research Data Management Training


Colleagues at the University of Edinburgh have completed a JISC funded project to develop an online research data management training course (MANTRA). This is a free, open access course and colleagues would be happy for other universities to use these training materials. The Research Data MANTRA course is an online training course intended for self-paced learning by PhD students and early career researchers in the initial stages of their research careers or by anyone interested in learning more about research data management, an issue gaining prominence in the research policy arena.


It is available to work through online at http://datalib.edina.ac.uk/mantra/ or for download as re-usable learning objects from Jorum, http://dspace.jorum.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/16055 . It was developed at EDINA and Data Library, University of Edinburgh, by a team of data librarians and an e-learning specialist, funded by the JISC Managing Research Data Programme (2010-11).




Forum for International Networking in Education (FINE) events this month


FINE (the Forum for International Networking in Education) is hosting three events at this year’s AERA Conference in Vancouver for students from U21 universities, aimed at encouraging the exchange of ideas and promoting future collaboration.


FINE Forum: Thursday 12 April, 1pm, Pan Pacific Hotel, Oceanview Suite 5 (with dinner for all forum participants at 7:30pm at Provence Marinaside, 1177 Marinaside Crescent)


FINE Breakfasts: Saturday 14 April, 7am at Griffins Restaurant, Fairmont Hotel, 900 West Georgia Street and Monday 16 April, 7am at Fleuri Restaurant, Sutton Place Hotel, 845 Burrard Street


More information about FINE can be found at www.universitas21.com/link/FINE



U21 Summer School registration deadline extended


The deadline for registration for the U21 Summer School has been extended until Friday 11 May.  The programme, hosted and organised by Tecnológico de Monterrey at its Querétaro campus, will take Shaping the Global Future Entrepreneur as its theme and provide opportunities for participants to learn about the importance of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) that form the base of economic development, and the global forces these companies must face today. Students will discuss and analyse case studies which are of particular relevance to the Mexican experience and will have the chance to interact with entrepreneurs that have played a key role in the development of Querétaro State economic growth. In addition to the academic activities planned in Querétaro, there will be a weekend trip to Teotihuacan, an amazing pre-Colombian archaeological site, and other surrounding areas.




 Two opportunities to discuss lifelong learning


The U21 Lifelong Learning & Research workshop takes place at the University of Glasgow from 14 to 15 May and the final programme is now available online. This is organised by U21’s Research Universities and their Regions group, co-convened by Professor Mike Osborne and Professor Susan Geertshuis and registration is still open for those who are interested in attending. (www.universitas21.com/link/LLRworkshop). 


Professor Osborne will then be travelling to Germany to speak at a seminar on 25 May entitled The Role of Universities in Promoting Lifelong Learning, which will address the questions of how universities can promote lifelong learning, through teaching, research and services, how this is embedded in universities’ missions and how it realised in practice, and is being organised to celebrate 60 years of UNESCO being based in Hamburg. (http://uil.unesco.org/home/news-target/60-years-of-unesco-in-hamburg-public-events/186c1ce1793e8517d48e49d231479260/)   This is a public event and all are welcome to attend.



Teaching & Learning Conference programme confirmed


The 2012 Teaching & Learning Conference will take place at the National University of Singapore from 8 to 9 November.  Building on the successes of the previous years and the renewed vigour which the group has experienced over the past year, the theme will be Transformative Education and will include key note speakers, round table sessions and informed debate on this wide-ranging topic.  The full programme is now available on our website and registration will open after Easter.


Latest U21 Newsletter now online


The latest edition of The Newsletter is now online!  Take a moment to read about the recipients of U21’s inaugural Gilbert Medal and U21 Awards; catch up on news from the Teaching & Learning Network; investigate what’s being done to engage young researchers; look forward to the summer’s (or winter’s!) student events; discover the concept of Flash Seminars or find out what Professor Zhang of SJTU’s day involves in the Back Page Interview!


