U21 Teaching and Learning Network Conference



U21 Teaching and Learning Network Conference
“Teaching and Learning for Employability in a Global Economy”
12/13th November, 2009
 University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
The U21 Teaching and Learning Network announces a Call for Papers for its second Conference entitled “Teaching and Learning for Employability in a Global Economy” to be held in November 2009. The conference aims to build on the highly successful “Does Teaching and Learning Translate?” event held at the University of Glasgow in February 2008.
The primary aims of this second conference are:
  • To bring together the institutional leaders in teaching, learning and academic development across the U21 network;
  • To discuss issues of common interest, focusing both on employability (the main theme) as well as providing an opportunity for follow-up discussions on issues raised during the first conference;
  • To highlight opportunities for collaboration in teaching and research;
  • To encourage the development of peer networks across the U21 institutions, thus providing engagement opportunities for networks relating to teaching and learning and careers.
The conference will offer an opportunity for colleagues in U21 institutions to share issues, experiences and solutions in relation to enhancing the student experience, with a particular focus on employability and the engagement of students in becoming part of an academic learning community. It will help to identify strategies that enhance employability with a particular focus on the international dimension of the student experience. Finally, it seeks to build on the Glasgow conference outcomes by identifying opportunities for collaboration and the sharing of best practice in relation to curriculum development and the student experience in internationally oriented research intensive Universities.
The programme will be delivered as a mixture of keynote lectures to stimulate discussion and debate around key themes, conference papers aligned to the key themes and workshops to allow informal group discussion of themes associated with both the employability and agenda and agendas arising from the first conference (internationalisation, enhancing the student experience, teaching and learning in research intensive universities).
The Conference is being jointly organised by the Universities of Dublin, Glasgow and Nottingham and will be held at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. The campus is easily accessible, being just south of Shanghai; accommodation can be offered to conference delegates either at the University’s Staff Hotel or in hotels nearby.
Proposals (max 2 pages) for papers on topics related to employability and the global economy should be submitted by June 30th 2009 and sent in electronic form to Carol.Spencer@Nottingham.ac.uk  at the University of Nottingham. Decisions on submitted papers will be notified to authors by 30th July.