Tokyo Institute of Technology暑期研习班开始报名


Tokyo Institute of Technology暑期研习班开始报名





Dear AEARU Members,
Greeting from AEARU Secretariat!
I am writing to you on behalf of Tokyo Institute of Technology that Asian Research Network (ARN) Summer Camp 2012 is now in action!
The ARN Summer Camp is accepting application forms from graduate students and young researchers of AEARU member universities.
It is held joined by Tokyo Tech and RIKEN Advanced Science Institute on August 24 to 27, 2012, with NO registration fee required.
In addition, all the domestic transportation between scheduled program and accommodation costs will be covered for the selected participants.
Please be aware the application deadline is April 16th , 2012, and send the application forms by email to Dr. Takaaki YANO at
For more details, please see the attached documents or contact:
Naoki OZAWA (Mr.)