Position for Visiting PhD scholar open at Aalborg University, Denmark


Position for Visiting PhD scholar open at Aalborg University, Denmark 

SPIRIT is a doctoral school at the Department of History, International and Social Studies, Aalborg University. The Department includes Migration Studies, Gender Studies, History, European Studies, Developmental Studies, Tourism, Culture, Communication and Globalization and Policy Studies. The Department is also part of the Asia Centre at AAU.

The research profile of the school covers the following topics: 

1. Transnational orders reconstructed, focusing on the nature and origins of processes of internationalization and globalization, including the relationship between ‘the west and the rest’, securitization, and alternative futures for ‘developing’ countries.
2. Interregional transformations, focusing on both macro-regional integration within the EU, NAFTA etc., and sub-national regionalism as processes related to identity, governance, and economic development strategies.
3. Global identities, focusing on the challenges to existing socio-economic relations, political actors, entrenched identities and everyday practices which are posed by new conceptions of gender, nation, class, and ethnicity transgressing traditional social and geographical borders.
4. Managing interculturalism, focusing on the challenges to private firms and public policy posed by the increasingly transnational nature of production of goods and services, and the increased cultural creolisation of consumption in large parts of the world, from everyday household goods to exotic tourism experiences.

SPRIT has a long tradition for receiving PhD students for visits of 3-5 months. We have previously provided grants for travels and accommodation, and we hope too bee able to do it again. At the moment, we can provide guests with an office with internet access, a supervisor and a mentor during the stay. We also have a special secretariat that assists with information on VISA and accommodation, and we have regular PhD activities that include the guests.

PhD students that are interested in becoming a visiting PhD student should send an application with a project description to
Professor, Anette Borchorst ab@ihis.aau.dk or by ordinary mail to the address below.

Professor, Anette Borchorst, SPIRIT, Fibigerstraede 2, 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark,e-mail: ab@ihis.auu.dk.

