【TYPE2】国际会议论文征集Ubiquitous Healthcare and Welfare Services and Supporting Technologies



Ubiquitous Healthcare and Welfare Services and Supporting Technologies
International Workshop on Ubiquitous Healthcare and Welfare Services and Supporting Technologies (UBI-HEALTH’10)
31 of May – 2 of June 2010, Nordic Centre, Fudan University, China
Paper Submission: February 28, 2010 (500-1000 words abstract or full-length paper maximum of 5 pages)
Acceptance Notification: April 30, 2010
Camera-ready paper: May 14, 2010
Paper Submission: January 31, 2010
Acceptance Notification: February 15, 2010
International Workshop on “Ubiquitous Healthcare and Welfare Services and Supporting Technologies (UBI-HEALTH’10)” provides an international forum for presenting and discussing the latest services, technologies and research in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) assisted healthcare and well-being (H&W). UBI-HEALTH’10 is important international forum for e-Health associated cooperative bodies such as ITU, WHO and APEC, particularly for Ubiquitous Healthcare Initiative for Ageing Societies. In addition to the technical papers to be selected by the Technical Program Committee, the program will include distinguish keynote speakers focusing on burning topics of e-Health as well as in-depth tutorial and you presentations. Note that UBI-HEALTH'10 is arranged concurrently with Shanghai World Expo 2010 may therefore participate to both events at the same time!
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting new research related to the theory or practice of remote and on-site H&W. Participants include for instance clinicians, hospital administrators, IT professionals, researchers, educators, solutions vendors, device manufacturers, system designers, integrators and consultants.
Authors can make three kinds of submissions: Keynote, tutorial or regular paper. Keynote represents targeted, eagle-eye view to conference topics and would be given in the beginning of the conference. Duration would be about 1/2 hour – 1 hour. Tutorial will discuss tightly bounded special topic(s) of conference themes and its duration is 2 - 4 hours. Participation to tutorial is charged separately and the fee will be passed to the lecturer without deductions. Therefore accepted tutorials are a convenient way to pay also conference related personal expenses. Accepted tutorials and their fees will be announced later for separate registration. Regular papers are peer-reviewed research papers in conference topics. All submission will be done by using the EDAS – system as explained later.
Conference covers the following main topics (not limited to): 
-remote and local healthcare;
-ageing related services and technologies;
-pandemics and bio-security;
-health informatics;
-services and technologies of developing countries;
-public safety systems;
-global developments;
-socio-economic studies;
-intelligent knowledge management;
-techno-economic studies;
-associated Internet services (as web 2.0+) and technologies;
-H&W sensors, circuits and systems;
-fusion of traditional Chinese medicare and western medicare;
-telecommunication solutions;
-diagnosing tools;
-H&W monitoring/alarm techniques.
In these areas your paper may focus for instance to the following themes:
-user-centric design;
-analytical and simulation techniques;
-experimental systems and field operational testing;
-information collection and dissemination; 
-activities and status of planned and ongoing projects;
-deployment strategies and predictions;
-standardization efforts and problems.
All papers must be original work. Presenting authors of accepted papers will be required to register for the workshop in order to secure that their paper is included in the workshop proceedings. All papers will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Committee, which reserves the right to accept or reject abstracts for inclusion in the workshop program. 
Regular papers: Authors are invited to submit full papers in English of no more than 5 pages (including figures, tables & references) or 500-1000 words abstract in IEEE double-column format. Submissions must present original work that has not been previously published, and is not under submission elsewhere. Submissions should use the general IEEE template with the minimum font size of 12 points. 
Keynote and Tutorials: Authors will submit free-form plan of their presentation and Curriculum Vitae. They can submit also other reference material that could support their acceptance as a presenter in the conference.
All papers must include a title, complete contact information for all authors, and keywords on the cover page.
The corresponding author should be identified clearly.
In summary, the submission procedure runs as follows:
1.       Create and format your manuscript (s) by following IEEE guidelines;
Template and Instructions on How to Create Your Paper:
2. Papers follow IEEE PDF specification for compatibility. Therefore convert your file into PDF-format.
NOTE: Turn off all PDF security features. Your PDF-file must be editable & to facilitate commenting.
3. Submit your MANUSCRIPT via EDAS system (http://www.edas.info/) in PDF format. 
NOTE: Please be aware that at least one full registration per accepted paper is mandatory to include the paper in the proceedings of the workshop. A paper without registered authors will be withdrawn.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format by February 28, 2010 via EDAS-system. For keynotes and tutorials submission deadline is January 31, 2010.
The workshop proceedings will be published for all participants. Authors of selected outstanding papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for consideration of publication in a journal forum.
For further and up-to-date information, please visit workshop official website: www.ubi-health10.org. For any question or proposals, please sent emails to info@ubi-health10.org.