U21 Graduate Research Conference: Sustainable Cities for the Future


Graduate Research Conference: Sustainable Cities for the Future
  Dates 29 November - 5 December 2009
  Venue Universities of Melbourne & Queensland (Brisbane), Australia
  Participants   All U21 graduate students with an academic / research interest in city sustainability and associated themes
  Deadline 30 September 2009

We are delighted to announce the second U21 Graduate Research Conference
Globally, economies are facing challenges to future sustainability and are investing in strategies to mitigate, and adapt to, the potential of new climatic realities.  People are increasingly moving into urban areas from rural areas, placing stress on transport and other basic infrastructure. The conference will explore issues of sustainability of cities including: energy; water; the built environment; cultural, historical and social issues; human health; transport; and the natural environment. 
Participants will have the opportunity to present and discuss their own work in a multi-disciplinary context through oral and poster presentations. Australia provides an excellent “laboratory” to review the future sustainability of cities, with climate scientists suggesting it will be one of the first countries to be impacted by climate change.
The conference provides an inclusive, multi-disciplinary context to examine topics including:  energy; water; the built environment; cultural, historical and social issues; human health; transport and the environment.  Graduate research students from all disciplines are invited to apply, describing the contribution they can make to the conference.

All U21 graduate students with an academic/research interest in these topics. The number of participants will be limited to 60 graduate students.  (Eligible Graduate students are those completing a doctoral or masters degree by research)

AUD$1,000.  This includes the cost of accommodation, local travel (including airfares between the Melbourne and Brisbane venues), and meals. The conference starts in Melbourne on Sunday 29 November; delegates will be flown to Brisbane on Wednesday 2 December; the conference concludes with dinner in Brisbane on 5 December 2009.

Key dates
Registrations should be completed by 30 September 2009.  For immediate enquiries, Fudan students can contact Foreign Affairs Office at fao@fudan.edu.cn .
