NYU Global Leadership Summit 2018 入选名单


NYU Global Leadership Summit 2018 入选名单


姓名     学号后四位

肖梦婕       0029

翁智健       0021

彭钦           0020

王昭文       0102

陈马梓嵘   0030




NYU Global Leadership Summit 2018

项目时间:May 18 - 20, 2018


项目费用:NYU will cover materials, meals and transportation incurred during the program; for example, if the delegates were to go on a site visit. There is no participant fee or program fee for Fudan students attending the Summit.


项目主题:Beyond Climate Change: Shaping the Future of Humanity


https://www.nyu.edu/students/getting-involved/leadership-and-service/leadership-studies-development/engage/undergraduate-programs/nyu-global-leadership-summit.html (请注意复旦学生不需要参加网站中提到的NYU学生的神情选拔流程)






Question 1 (300 words): Effective leaders are self-aware, they understand their strengths and areas for growth, and they seek opportunities to further develop and partner with others who complement them. Please describe what perspectives, skills, and experiences you would bring to this program. What do you hope to gain from participating at the Summit? Please be specific and reflective as you explain what you hope to learn and why.

Question 2 (300 words): Working with people who have different perspectives is a common leadership challenge. How have you worked with others across difference? This can encompass working with individuals or groups with diverse approaches and/or identities and backgrounds, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, religious or spiritual affiliation, and/or cultural tradition. Please be specific about what you did and learned about yourself from this experience.

Question 3 (300 words): One of the sessions we will offer at the Summit is a panel with speakers representing diverse perspectives on environmental issues beyond climate change. Our goal is for speakers to help us examine why this conversation is not just about climate change and what is the role of leadership in solving complex global issues like our current environmental crisis. Why is this topic important? Please share one or two questions you might pose to the panel.
