项目通知 | U21 “全球公民”在线项目开放申请



符合申请条件并有意参加的我校在读生,请于9月15日前,发院系推荐表(盖章版)和个人简历(中文版即可)至niushan@fudan.edu.cn, 院系推荐表请点击左下角“阅读原文”下载校际选拔通过者,我校将统一提名至U21。项目结束后,国际合作与交流处将视情况对部分成绩/表现优异的学生提供适量奖学金以资鼓励

3-21 October 2022 (with optional additional session in week of 24 October) ---Online Program

Across the 3 week programme, students develop ideas together, across borders and time zones. Participants learn the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century whilst tackling some of the world’s most pressing problems, outlined in the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). With the support of trained facilitators, participants are guided to reflect on the improvement in their cultural competency and awareness throughout the course and how they, as individuals and as groups, can turn their learning into valuable global action. 

Eligibility & Application


·Any registered student (post or undergraduate) at a U21 member university.

·All applicants must be over the age of 18 at the time of the course start date. 

Please note students who have previous completed U21 Global Citizenship (Oct 2020, April 2021) will not be eligible to take part again.

For more information, please visit:  https://universitas21.com/globalcitizens



