E-Journal (September, 2011)





The Fourth International Biennial "Transformation and Economic Development" (TED) Successfully Held




Fudan Released its Mobile Library 2.0


The Eighth Fudan Presidential Award Issuance Ceremony Held




Fudan InitiatedOutstanding Talent Plan




Fudan Foreign Expert Won 2011 Shanghai Magnolia Gold Award




Quebec Minister of International Relations Visited Fudan


Visit and Speech by Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Mario Molina


President of Malta China Society Visited Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University




Nobel Prize Laureate Barry J. Marshall at Fudan University

Consuls General of Germany and France Attended Ambassador Forum


The Delegation of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Paid a Visit to Fudan


Visit by EUR Delegation


Visit by President of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin







The Fourth International Biennial "Transformation and Economic Development" (TED) Successfully Held

Fudan University Research Center of China's Socialist Market Economy (CCES) and China Economic Association of Australia (CESA) jointly organized the fourth International Biennial "transition and economic development" (TED) at Fudan University from September 19 to 20, 2011. The theme of the conference is "Economic Recovery and Structural Adjustment: the Government, Market and Public Policy".


Scholars from Oxford University, the University of California, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Australian National University as well as the world's elite academic institutions such as the Asian Development Bank shared their latest research results, and had in-depth dialogue upon many economic hot spots.


The participants paid great attention toward major problems of Chinas economic development, and held heated discussion focusing on public policy in the government and the market role.




Fudan Released its Mobile Library 2.0

September 7th, Seminar on mobile library 2.0 & Fudan University Mobile Library 2.0 Release Conference was held at Li Zhaoji Library, Jiangwan Campus. Curator of Fudan Library Prof. Jianxiong GE presided over the conference. Over 200 experts all over the country attended the conference. Through mobile library, teachers and students could log on anytime, anywhere to the library, and enjoy its new features.


Mobile Library is relying on wireless mobile networks, using a variety of mobile devices (such as mobile phones, PDAs, E-Book, Tablet PC, etc.) to facilitate the flexibility to conduct various types of data and information library query, browse and get a new library information service delivery model.


Mobile library makes the former library into active service the fixed service during the librarys closed time, vacation time. The mobile library Fudan release 2.0 is not only a timely advice for loan information on received books, but also provides convenient access to personal viewing information on the mobile device. It can also be purchased by the library to read various types of resources, and add more interaction with library usersopportunities. For example, at Fudan University on the mobile library, the added features and original academic track microblog can be handwritten and shared.


Academic microblog is user based on the relationship between literature and sharing of resources. Unlike the academic sense of microblog, this microblog provides channels for the interaction between tutors and students and students themselves. This is an integration of library-specific literature resources, network of relationships with people so that each individual could create and control their own information.


You can annotate the content of the literature, or see other readerscomments. Choosing the reading mode to read the original reading in the comments section requires the endorsement click on the button above to enter the annotation mode, then you can choose a crossed or spread sheet-type operations to achieve the original track approach to annotation.



The Eighth Fudan Presidential Award Issuance Ceremony Held


On Sep 15, the eighth Fudan Presidential Award ceremony was held in Guanghua Tower, Handan Campus. This years individual awards went to 13 faculty members, 1 research student and 1 alumna while the collective awards went to 1 faculty team and 1 student team. Over 200 faculty and students including President Yang Yuliang, Chancellor Zhu Zhiwen, Executive Vice President Chenxiaoman and Vice Chancellor Chen Limin attended the ceremony.


Vice Chancellor Chen Limin chaired the ceremony. After the announcement on namelist of awardees by Executive Vice President Chenxiaoman, President Yang Yuliang and Chancellor Zhu Zhiwen presented the awards together. As awardees representatives, Prof. Zhong Yang from School of Life Sciences, Prof. Qiu Donglin from School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Prof. Bai Chunxue from Fudan Affiliated Zhong Shan Hospital, Research student Shen Yang from Modern Physics Institute and Alumna Ms. Yu Yi from Yangpu Senior High School gave their speech respectively. All of them reviewed their achievements in recent years and expressed their thankfulness to alma maters cultivation.


Established in 2003, the annual Fudan Presidential Award is the highest level in-campus award in recognition of excellence in promoting Fudan Spirit. In this June, new modification on Fudan Presidential Award Chapter was approved by University Faculty Congress to change the formation of selecting committee and add the online voting.




Fudan InitiatedOutstanding Talent Plan

In order to implementOpinions on Strengthening Comprehensive Cultivation of Young and Middle-aged Talents, Fudan University officially launched "Outstanding Talents Plan. The plan is stipulated in accordance to objective requirements and intrinsic rules of talent cultivation, so as to encourage young and middle-aged faculty members to concentrate on academic research, pursue first-rate academic fruits and achieve academic excellence.

According to this plan, qualified faculty members can choose different supporting programs, including the research fund, experimental space and team-building support, etc. Fudan University will establish a special fund for "Outstanding Talents Plan, providing research allowance. The fund will be managed under the financial regulation of management committee.

Talents Planis stipulated according to the general human resource planning of the university, with the scale of 300 talents in 5 years. The actual scale will be appropriately adjusted based on the actual recommendation and the selection.




Fudan Foreign Expert Won 2011 Shanghai Magnolia Gold Award

On Sep 30, the presentation ceremony of Shanghai Magnolia Gold Award was held in Shanghai Peoples Mansion. Dr. Lorenzo Cohen from Shanghai Tumor Hospital affiliated to Fudan University won this award and was present commemorate medal and certificate by Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng.


Dr. Lorenzo Cohen is a faculty member of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX where he is Director of the Integrative Medicine Program. He is the PI of an R21 planning grant from the National Cancer Institutes Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine to develop collaborative research projects with Fudan University Tumor Hospital in Shanghai that will lead to an International Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Cancer.


Shanghai Municipality introduced Magnolia Gold Award which is named after Shanghais official flower in 1993 to express appreciation to foreigners who live in Shanghai and contribute significantly to the citys economic performance, international relations, business environment, management standards and community development. There has been 247 awardees till now during the past 19 years.




Quebec Minister of International Relations Visited Fudan

On Sep. 2, Ms. Monique Gagnon-Tremblay, Minister of International Relations, Quebec, Canada, visited Fudan University. Feng Xiaoyuan, Vice President of Fudan University, Chu Xiaoquan, Dean of College of Foreign Language and Literature, Fudan University received the delegation. Zhu Chouwen and Liu Li, Director and Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office, Fudan University also attended meeting.


During the meeting, Ms. Monique Gagnon-Tremblay introduced the characteristic of Quebec area and expressed the willing of cooperation with Fudan University. Prof. Michel Ringuet, Rector of University of Quebec A Rimouski introduced the current situation of University of Quebec. Feng Xiaoyuan expressed interest in cooperating with University of Quebec. After the meeting, Ms. Monique Gagnon-Tremblay represented Quebec donated books to French data Center of Fudan University. 



Visit and Speech by Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Mario Molina


On Sep 20, Prof. Mario Molina from University of California, San Diego, the distinguished atmospheric chemist and Nobel Prize Laureate in 1995 visited Fudan University and delivered a speech titled Air Pollution and Climate Change to faculty and students at (DESE). Before the speech, Prof. Mario Molina was warmly received by Fudan President Yang Yuliang.


Born in 1943, Prof. Mario Molina earned a bachelor's degree at National Autonomous University of Mexico in 1965, a postgraduate degree from the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany, in 1967 and a doctoral degree in Chemistry from University of California, Berkeley in 1972. Now he works at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of California San Diego and the Center for Atmospheric Sciences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Prof. Molina was a co-recipient of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his role in elucidating the threat to the Earth's ozone layer of chlorofluorocarbon gases (CFCs).



President of Malta China Society Visited Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

On the morning of Sept. 20th, Mr. Reno Callejja, President of Malta China Society, paid a visit to Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital affiliated to Fudan University. Mr. Callejja is the former minister of Malta Bureau of Tourism, representative of Malta in Council of Europe. Malta China Society has been in a close relation with China, and it has been quite influential in the business and politics in Malta.


Dr. Wu Jinglei, Director of the hospital, welcomeed the delegation. Dr. Wu introduced the development of obstetrics and gynecology hospital in China as well as the current situation of the clinical field. Representatives from both sides exchanged interests during the meeting. President Callejja expressed that Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital affiliated to Malta University is looking forward to the future cooperation with Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital affiliated to Fudan University. Mr. Callejja also pointed out that cooperation between two universities will definitely lead to the improvement of the hospitals in both countries.



Nobel Prize Laureate Barry J. Marshall at Fudan University


On the afternoon of Sept. 21, prof. Barry J. Marshall, Nobel Prize laureate in Physiology or Medicine 2005, gave a talk entitledRoad to Nobel Prizein a fully occupied auditorium in Mingdao Building, Fenglin Campus. This event was a part of a global initiative between pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and the media company of the Nobel Foundation. Prof. Barry J. Marshalls humorous lecture was warmly welcomed by the attendees.


Born in Australia on Sept. 30, 1951, Prof. Marshall received his master degree in University of Western Australia in 1974 and was appointed as a Registrar in Medicine at the Royal Perth Hospitalin 1977. He became a researcher on gastroenterology at the Royal Perth Hospital in 1985 and a professor of medicine in the University of Virginia in 1986. He returned in 1997 and became a professor in clinical medicine at University of Western Australia and later a professor in clinical microbiology. From 2003, Prof. Marshall has been working in the laboratory of NHMRC Helicobacter pylori as a principle investigator. Prof. Marshall has received numerous important honors in his scholarly career, including the Buchanan Medal of the Royal Society in 1998, the Benjamin Franklin Medal for Life Sciences in 1999, the Australian Centenary Medal in 2003, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicinetogether with Robin Warren in 2005 and etc.


The most notable contribution of Prof. Marshall lies in his confirmation of helicobacter pylori as a pathogenesis to gastritis. His research team contended that most stomach ulcers and gastritis were caused by colonization with this bacterium, not by stress or spicy food as had been assumed before. Since the appreciation of the bacterium's role, helicobacter pylori can be detect by endoscope and breath test. Today, many stomach ulcers are treated with antibiotics effectively against H. pylori. Prof. Marshalls finding was considered as a milestone in the field of digestive disease. Owing to this discovery, the chronic and incorrigible gastric ulcer could be soon cured by simply using antibiotics; patientschance of resuming a healthy life has thus been increased. This breakthrough contribution has greatly improved the quality of human life.


On the Morning of Sept. 20, Prof. Jin Li, Vice President of Fudan, and Dr. Zhu Chouwen, Executive Director of Foreign Affairs Office, attended the launching ceremony for AstraZeneca-Nobel Medical Initiative Program. Vice President Jin delivered a speech. In the following morning, Prof. Gui Yonghao, the Vice President, met Prof. Marshall and other delegates in Fenglin Campus. Later Prof. Marshall met Prof. Wen Yumei, one of his old friends, in her laboratory. Prof. Marshall also had a round-table discussion with 20 graduate students from Shanghai Medical College.



Consuls General of Germany and France Attended Ambassador Forum

On September 22, 2011, Dr. Wolfgang Roehr, the German Consul General in Shanghai and Mr. Emmanuel Lenain, the French Consul General in Shanghai visited Fudan University and attended Fudan Ambassador Forum held by the School of Economics. Both had face to face communication and discussion with the students. The lecture was hosted by the Center for European Studies, Fudan University and the Forum was presided over by Professor Ding Chun, the Director of the Center for European Studies.


At the meeting, Mr. Emmanuel Lenain, the French Consul General in Shanghai first introduced the process of reconciliationin between France and Germany and the future of Euro. Then Dr. Wolfgang Roehr, the German Consul General in Shanghai used their personal experience to introduce the history of the unification of Germany, and talked about the close cooperation between Germany and China from the perspectives of higher education and trade problems.


After their speeches, the students raised a lot of questions centered on the current global hot topics such as the influence of European economic crisis on EU integration, Greek debt crisis, the prospects for Euro and strategic cooperation between Europe and China. Consul General of Germany and France responded to each question.


The Forum attracted over 70 participants from Fudan University, Tongji University as well as other universities and research institutions in Shanghai.



The Delegation of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Paid a Visit to Fudan

On the morning of Sept.26, 2011, Prof. Ulrike Beisiegel,president of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Prof. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Vice-President in charge of scientific research and international exchange, paid a visit to Fudan university. She was warmly received by President Yang Yuliang. After the meeting, the two presidents signed the agreement on the cooperation between the two universities.


Founded in the year 1734, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen enjoys a very glorious history, cultures a great number of celebrities, and wins world-renowned reputation. On October 19, 2010, it was selected as one of the nine elite universities in the second round of Elite Universities Selection in Germany. In the 2010 worldwide ranking of universities presented by the prominent British magazine Times Higher Education (THE), the University of Göttingen was put in the 43rd place, which enabled it the No. 1 university in Germany and the No. 9 university in Europe. The University of Göttingen one of Fudans partners in Germany and is highly valued by President Yang. Previously, Prof. Axel Schneider, Director of the Institute of East-Asian Studies of the University of Göttingen, paid a visit to Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences and National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies of Fudan University, and he carried out in-depth communication with Prof. Deng Zhenglai and Prof. Ge Zhaoguang.


The delegation from the University of Göttingen includes some other members, such as Prof. Barbara Schaff and Prof. Claudia Keser from the School of Philosophy, and Ms. Beate Rogler, Director of its Liaison Office in China. Some other members from Fudan University also attended the meeting, they are Prof. Sun Nanshen, Dean of the School of Law, Prof. Ding Chun, Director of the Center for European Studies, Prof. Zhu Chouwen, Director of Foreign Affairs Office of Fudan University.



Visit by EUR Delegation

On September 26, a delegation from Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) visited Fudan University. Fudan Vice President for international affairs Prof. FENG Xiaoyuan welcomed the delegation. Pro-Rector of EUR Prof. Huib Pols and VP FENG signed on the renewal agreement for exchanges and cooperation between the two universities.


Fudan and EUR have enjoyed years of extensive collaboration in medical field, both in joint education and research collaboration. Contacts and exchanges have also been initiated in areas like business, law, economics and so on.


The delegation also included Prof. De Doelder, Chairman of Erasmus University China Centre (EUCC) and Ms. Tseng Weichia, Managing Director of EUCC. The new Consul General of Netherlands in Shanghai Mr. P.C. Potman and Science & Technology Consul Mr. Boudeling accompanied the delegation and witnessed the signing ceremony.



Visit by President of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

A delegation from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, led by its newly elected President Prof. Olbertz, visited Fudan University on September 29. Fudan President Prof. YANG Yuliang cordially welcomed the delegation. The two Presidents exchanged information about the academic strengths of the two universities and identified several areas for future collaboration, including physics, law, German language and literature, medical sciences, nano technology, among the others.


With a two-hundred year old history, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin holds 29 famous Nobel Prize winners such as Einstein and Max Planck.


Prof. SHEN Jian, Chair of Physics Department, Prof. SUN Nanshen, Dean of Law School, Prof. LIU Wei, Vice Chair of Department of German Language and Literature, and Dr. ZHU Chouwen, Director of Foreign Affairs Office joined the meeting and communicated with their counterparts in the delegation.






Foreign Affairs Office, Fudan University

220 Handan Road, Shanghai 200433, China

Advisor: CHEN Yinzhang

ZHU Chouwen

Editor-in-chief: Xue Hua

Contributor: CHEN Zhaojun


LIN Jieying



XU Yefang



ZHAO Peiran

ZHANG Yingying

ZHU Yifei

Technical Support: LU Yinhui



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